1 how to realize the linear spring and nitrogen conversion? How to decide the quantity of nitrogen spring?
During the translation process, the first step is to know the existing mold the desired pressure, if the completion of operations required pressure, directly using the corresponding tonnage nitrogen spring. If you do not know the total pressure, through calculating the die Zhongyuan cable springs with the total pressure calculated. At the same time, must be clear to the required pressure is the initial pressure(pressure)or the final pressure(full stroke), once we know these, can get the required total pressure. Find out the linear spring pressure of the most commonly used method is to consult the manufacturer's product pressure chart, through the chart, can know the mold line shaped spring specifications, colors, preload and stroke, can also be used as a spring pressure gauge.
2 installation of nitrogen spring
In most applications of nitrogen gas spring can be easily installed on the same core pocket used for spiral spring. The pocket depth, there should be a minimum of50% of the length of the gas spring, whichever is greater. In some applications can use the gas spring installation options, such as paste flange frame, at the base of the cylinder cover, and the thread body style. These options provide more flexibility in the existing mold using nitrogen gas spring.
When the size of the gas spring selected do not match, the spring being replaced by simple steps that can be taken, and then install pneumatic spring. Interval or sleeve can be used in the pocket, if the gas spring is smaller than the spring, or a gas spring may be mounted on the flange position. If the existing pocket is too shallow, it may be the core of deeper, if possible, or gas springs may be preloaded, to satisfy the space requirements.
Finally, a concern, the gas spring is installed using the fluid die. Direct exposure to certain die lubricant, coolant and the cleaner can be harmful gas spring and should be avoided. Shield gas spring from harmful liquid and providing adequate drainage system, the gas spring pocket.
3 How to nitrogen inflation?
In inflation before, to ensure that the piston rod is fully extended to the top, as in the case of no extension of the inflatable, will result in an incorrect position of the positioning ring. Using T type wrench is screwed into the piston head at the top of the screw, use appropriate tools top pressure inflating valve, so that the cylinder body of gas drained, forced upward pulling the piston rod, the piston sleeve and a positioning ring tightly.
4 nitrogen gas spring pneumatic
(1) the gas spring pneumatic requires the use of a special charging station or inflatable device. For independent if convenient transportation can be inflated, the seat board system of nitrogen spring side must be in the field of inflatable.
(2) the gas spring pneumatic pressure at 20 ℃, the standard pressure of 150(bar), if less than130bar inflatable, with ordinary nitrogen cylinders can be completed. Higher than that of 130bar are required to complete the air supercharging device.
(3) before the inflatable please confirm safety retainer ring is installed, and T type handle allows the plunger rod extends completely, adjust the desired inflation pressure value, inflation.
(4) when inflated, the air flow passes through the inflation valve speed not too fast, so as not to charge bad inflatable valve caused by leakage, after inflation with plug sealed inflatable mouth.Note: in the process of inflation must be safety operation, to pass safety training before, so as to avoid unnecessary harm.