1 Flanging forming process
Flanging is the workpiece hole edge or rim in the mold under the action of vertical edges, flanging cold stamping process. According to the properties of the workpiece edge, flanging can be also divided into the hole and the outer edge flanging, including a round hole and a round hole flanging; convex curve and a concave curve flanging; flat and curved flanging process. When the edge of the workpiece to a straight line, flanging deformation becomes bending deformation, so is the special form of bending flanging. Thus, in a closed curve flanging, prevents the workpiece slip, is to ensure that the flanging quality the key, in the design of this kind of mold, to ensure the availability of larger initial pre stress is very necessary. The current conventional elastic element, the preload and the working stroke are difficult to meet the requirements, and the gas spring can easily meet the technological requirements, it has a sufficiently large stroke, with a large bomb pressure are available, without pretension, can achieve the requirements of the designer, which is very reliable and stable to ensure the dimensional accuracy of the work piece and the forming quality of the flanging. The cold stamping process, common flanging quality problems, due in large part to the workpiece pre pressing not caused, especially in automobile covering parts of flanging, more common. Nitrogen spring appeared to solve this problem. Open up a bright future.
Rolling forming is a kind of material stretching, the formation of local concave or convex, change the shape of blank of cold stamping process, it is mainly used to suppress stiffener, to improve the workpiece stiffness, reducing weight. For some with continuous convex rib parts, due to material extension rate limit, to a rib forming, using nitrogen gas spring can be in a mold, depending on the length of stroke, stepped forming, is very effective to solve this kind of problem, improve pressing productivity. To solve this kind of parts is the main problem can be well positioned, but also makes the parts obtained preform, completely eliminates the material during the forming process, mutual and diversionary effect, effectively ensure the material forming the order, ensuring the quality of parts.
2 Blanking discharging, the top piece and plastic
Blanking is the use of the die to make material is separated into two parts of the cold stamping process, the workpiece or waste from the convex die unloading referred to as unloading, the workpiece or waste material from the die blanking direction along the launch called push piece, against a blanking direction from the concave die ejector called top piece. This is in the blanking process is very common in action. But these three movements do not necessarily exist at the same time. It enhances the punching blade life, proper selection and design of unloading device, to guarantee the quality of blanking parts is very important. The ejector is top, or for intensive punch blanking, often due to the mold space is relatively small, the top piece is relatively large, mold design brings certain difficulty, affect the quality of parts. In some cases, if the unloading stress aggravates the die cutting edge wear. The nitrogen discharge or top, due to its elasticity and pressure big, occupy the mold space is very small, unloading and the top piece and easily reach the equilibrium state, because the stripper plate or top plate can be balanced with nitrogen gas spring contact, cloth force, thus ensuring very smoothly will workpiece ejecting or waste discharge, securing a workpiece straightness, reduce the breaking and the possibility of wear, prolonging the service life of a punch, die design is also very simple, especially for labor-intensive punch stamping parts, more show its advantages. For example engine cylinder pad type parts, using nitrogen gas spring can effectively solve, small space and requirement of mold unloading size paradox. Can even die seat as nitrogen spring chamber to use, reducing the occupying space of nitrogen spring.